To facilitate your return process, please follow these steps:
Click on the link in your shipping confirmation or follow the steps below:
Click here and enter your order number and the email registered on the order.
Choose the item(s) you would like to return.
Choose the reason for your return.
• If you would like to make a warranty claim, click on “Make a warranty claim”. A request is sent to our Customer Service, they will reach out with further instructions.
• If you want to make an exchange, please choose the new size/colour in the list of options.
Please note that your exchange is not shipped until your return arrives at our warehouse. We reserve the right to refund if the exchange cannot be fulfilled at that time. -
The available return service for you will be displayed, please click on that option.
Print your generated label.
• Pack the item(s) securely in a box. You can use the box the item(s) arrived in or another if you prefer.
• Attach the label on the outside of your parcel. Make sure to remove or completely cover the old label. -
Leave the package at the delivery courier drop off point.
• Make sure to always keep the receipt you receive, in case of any lost parcels this is needed as proof.